With QualiGO you can generate revenue with your own website by embedding ads.
Choose an advertising format and control the ads
You can choose between a wide range of different Ad formats that you can integrate on your website. From numerous banner formats to In-Text or pop-behind, you have a wide range of integration options at your disposal. To customize the content of the ad to your own page, you can share keywords and categories with us.
With the help of statistics that you can view individually for each ad, you can see how many impressions and clicks the integrated ads have received.
Payment & commisions
Bei Pop-Behind und Redirects werden Sie nach Views bezahlt. Bei anderen Werbeformen wie Bannern, Textanzeigen oder InText erfolgt hingegen die Vergütung für jeden Klick auf die Werbeanzeige.
Sie beginnen automatisch mit einer Provision in Höhe von 50% und können diese in Abhängigkeit von Ihrem Umsatz automatisch gemäß der Ihnen nach dem Login angezeigten Umsatzstaffelung auf bis zu 80% steigern. Ihre Einnahmen werden Ihnen per Überweisung oder Paypal auf Ihr Konto ausgezahlt.
Contact us if you have problems or questions!
Since we know how important it is to have a personal contact person for the duration of a campaign, we are always happy to assist you with any questions or wishes concerning your campaign or its optimization.
If you have further questions, please contact us!
Our advantages:
- A simple cooperation agreement
- Top commissions
- Transfer of revenues to your bank account
- Personal contact person
Become a member of our network an earn money with your website as a publisher .